Tuesday, 11 October 2011

New Starts

After a summer of dissertation writing and working full time I'm finally back in the studio.  It's been a month since we started 4th year but time has been flying by!  The idea for my final year project isn't exactly concrete at the moment, the last few weeks have been spent hopping around from idea to idea, but in the mean time here are some sketchbook drawings from the last few days.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Down the Level

Over the christmas holidays I took a trip "down the level" (the level being a country lane near where I live) accompanied by my diana, a roll of slide film and a very cold mum and now, after a 2 month wait, I finally have the results!  I wanted the film cross-processed in C-41 chemicals but my local jessops refused to do so meaning the film had to be sent to Edinburgh to be processed then returned to Dundee before being sent to Germany to get prints made.  Thankfully I was in no hurry to get the photo's back and the colours in these were definately worth the wait.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Collection(s) Part 1

I've been working as part of the Student Curatorial Team at DJCAD this year with some other students and our first exhibition opened on Friday!  It's called Collection(s) Part 1 and takes inspiration from Heidegger's theory of handiness whilst juxtaposing objects from the museum collections with art work from around the art college.

The exhibition is running until 5th of March in the Lower Foyer Gallery, DJCAD, Dundee so please come down at some point, have a browse and pick up a publication.

We also have talks from Janey Muir, Matthew Jarron and Beth Lord on Tuesday 1st March between 1pm and 2pm on the subject of 'What is a museum object? What is an artwork?'.

Gallery opening times:

Monday - Friday 
9.30am - 5.00pm

10.30am - 4.30pm

Mamiya C220

Some cloudy photos from a cloudy day with a borrowed Mamiya C220

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Forts, Dens and Hideouts

Who wants to build a fort?
I've been thinking alot recently about forts, dens and hideouts and how they differ from person to person.  Building a fort provides the maker with comfort and a feeling of safety steming from childhood pastimes, many of which have been idealised in our minds, but which also mirrors what we try to do on a grander basis within our homes as adults.  I've been considering doing some sort of fort based project in which a group of people are invited to make their own hideouts or we make one large hideout together.  It's all very much speculation at the moment but if anyone would like to get involved please let me know!  Similarly if you just fancy making a fort for the fun of it then feel free to head round my way with your duvet.

Head over to my tumblr if you fancy eyeing up some more fort based fun.