Saturday, 7 January 2012

Comfort Food - Lasagne Sleeping Bag

A gigantic lasagne (180cm x 90cm) which has been made as a sleeping bag for the ultimate in comfort.  Slip inside the bottom mincey layer and feel the full weight of the comfort on top of you.  

Made out of duvets and hand dyed fabric, a long and exhausting process!  The fabric for each layer was dyed (in a mop bucket in the bath) and then sewn around the duvets to create the different lasagne layers.  Luckily for me my sewing machine chose just this moment to break, ugh!  The mince layers have been screenprinted for maximum minceyness (after much stress about how to make it look right).

The lasagne was also taken to the doctors surgery (because nothing says nutter like turning up at the doctors with a giant lasagne) and Ben Bainbridge and Sally Hackett were good enough to get inside it for me and model its comforting potential!

Comfort Food - Penne Pasta

A large piece of hand-quilted penne pasta.  You can hug it, you can squeeze it, but you can't eat it.

Photos also taken in Hawkhill Medical Centre with Ben Bainbridge and additional Sally Hackett.

A more detailed shot taken in the photo studio but it does look a bit sad and squashed here.  Definitely better in person.

A Transitional Object

The outcome of a day long project in which we were each given a phrase relating to our project and asked to make an image.  I decided to take the phrase literally and made a stuffed digestive system which was later sewn onto a wooly jumper.  The photos were taken in Hawkhill Medical Centre, Dundee.

My glorious model is Ben Bainbridge, you should definitely check him out. 

Wrapping Up

Such a neglectful blogger!  The past couple of months leading on from the pasta drawings have (finally!) resulted in a clearer idea about what I'm doing in project wise, hurrah!  And have resulted in me making work which I never quite expected I would do, nice that isn't it?  I started of looking at literal meanings of phrases, first with 'A Transitional Object' (post to follow) and then moving on to look at literal comfort foods.  I've mainly been working around the phrase 'Home Comforts' and have been looking at the ideals of folk art and crafts paired with the literal meanings.  The result is:  quite humorous, a bit strange and very squishy.  What more could I ask for?